Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Drenched in middle-class guilt

I've been thinking about something recently. So white people in South Africa have bloody strange habits. Before you go there, I would like to point out that I am no Samantha Vice. What I am referring to is our weird habits that we have pertaining to poor people. I have noticed a bunch of white people who hate beggars. Like HATE them. It's mad. So they will avoid them, not acknowledge them, tell them to voetsek!. the other day, I saw some preppy blonde girls, lekker features and all, but hell they had the collective IQ of a satsuma. This woman walks up to them carrying a baby and says something like "Hi, I'm selling cookies so that I can have enough money to feed myself and my child." Of course the reply is something useless like "Oh, sorry, I have no money on me. Tomorrow?". Sure. Then, a couple of days later, they will put pics of themselves on Facebook doing some kind of community outreach thing, you know, like planting tress, or playing soccer with some black kids. How strange is that? Are white people appeasing their conscience? But clearly they aren't so drenched in middle-class guilt that they will attempt to make an actually difference in the life of one, lonesome vendor.

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